Demi Bagby Taille, Poids, Âge, Copain, Famille, Faits, Biographie

Demi Bagby Informations rapides
Hauteur 4 pieds 11,5 pouces
Poids 52 kilogrammes
Date de naissance 10 janvier 2001
Signe du zodiaque Capricorne
Couleur des yeux Noisette

Demi Bagby est une star américaine des médias sociaux, culturiste, danseuse, mannequin de fitness et athlète professionnelle, surtout connue pour sa chaîne Instagram «demibagby» qui a recueilli plus de 2 millions de followers. Elle a pris de l'importance vers 2014, après avoir subi une blessure dévastatrice en cheerleading et s'être cassé le bas du dos. Après sa récupération de 3 mois avec de fortes chances de ne plus jamais marcher, Demi s'est inspirée des athlètes CrossFit qu'elle regardait depuis son lit. Dès qu'elle en a été capable, Demi a commencé à s'entraîner avec soin et a finalement commencé à se préparer pour la compétition d'athlètes des CrossFit Games en 2015. Elle a prouvé sa valeur et a réussi à décrocher le 517e rang général (par pays) dans la division des «Teenage Girls (14-15). »

Après avoir vu son potentiel et reconnu sa volonté interne de réussir, Demi a commencé à s'entraîner pour la compétition de l'année suivante. Son travail acharné a payé énormément et elle s'est classée 23e dans le monde et 21e par pays aux Reebok CrossFit Games en 2016. L'apparition l'a amenée devant un public mondial qui était étonné de ses exploits physiques alors qu'elle n'avait que 15 ans, et son public sur les médias sociaux se sont épanouis en conséquence. Pour utiliser l'attention, Demi a commencé à documenter ses entraînements et a commencé à inspirer et à motiver d'autres personnes grâce à des collaborations avec d'autres athlètes, qu'elle a également utilisées pour se mettre au défi dans d'autres domaines de l'athlétisme et de la musculation. Demi Bagby a également amassé une large base de fans en ligne avec plus de 4 millions de fans sur TikTok, 200 000 abonnés sur Facebook et plus de 100 000 abonnés sur YouTube.

Nom de naissance

Demi Bagby



Demi Bagby dans un selfie Instagram vu en juin 2019

Signe du soleil


Lieu de naissance

San Diego, Californie, États-Unis


San Diego, Californie, États-Unis




Star des médias sociaux, athlète professionnel, culturiste, danseur, modèle de fitness


  • Frères et sœurs - Devon Bagby (frère aîné) (acteur). Elle a également un frère aîné et une sœur aînée.


Demi Bagby est représenté par Abrams Artists Agency (Talent Agent) à Los Angeles, Californie, États-Unis.




4 pieds 11,5 pouces ou 151 cm


52 kg ou 114,5 lb

Demi Bagby dans un post Instagram vu en mars 2019

Race / origine ethnique


Elle est d'origine américaine.

Couleur de cheveux

Brun clair

Elle a également teint ses cheveux en `` brun foncé '' et avait des reflets `` blonds '' dans le passé.

Couleur des yeux


Caractéristiques distinctives

Physique court et bodybuilder

Approbations de la marque

Demi Bagby a approuvé des marques telles que -

  • Gainzbox (2017)
  • Voleur (2018)
  • Café de fusil noir (2018)
  • Gymshark (2019)
  • XTEND (2019)
  • C4 by Cellucor (2019)
  • 5.11 Tactical Gear (2019)
  • Jeep (2019)
  • Evolve Skateboards USA (2019)
  • Ruroc Helmets (2019)
  • GoJump America (2019)
Demi Bagby en selfie en février 2019

Best Known For

  • Her social media following with more than 4 million fans on TikTok, more than 2 million followers on Instagram, more than 200k followers on Facebook, and more than 100k subscribers on YouTube
  • Being ranked 23rd worldwide and 21st in the United States at the 2016 CrossFit Games in the “Teenage Girls (14-15)” division

Personal Trainer

Demi Bagby grew up playing soccer and always had an active life during her time at school as part of the cheerleading team. However, after a very tough period following a broken lower back during cheerleading in early 2014, she was met with a grim diagnosis of being in the wheelchair for a long period of time, or even worse, forever. While in her hospital bed and later at home, resting, she became inspired by CrossFit athletes such as Kristi Eramo and Frank Medrano. She vowed to herself that if she could only get back on her feet again, she wouldn’t take that opportunity for granted.

Demi went through a recovery process that took about 3 months, after which she was able to walk again, and started to exercise slowly. One of her 1st social media posts that went viral showed her doing a muscle-up on the bar, only 3 days after she began practicing calisthenics. This was proof enough of her immense upper body strength and athleticism. On February 22, 2016, she also managed to do a 138 kg or 304.5 lb clean-and-jerk.

She doesn’t follow a typical gym split routine and often switches things up on a weekly basis. At the gym, Demi does CrossFit or powerlifting related exercises such as farmer‘s walk, squats, deadlifts, bench press, plank, push-ups, pull-up, knee-to-chest for abs, L-sit, and kettlebell swings. She is also very good at handstands, which she can also do on a treadmill even, as well as splits and a human flag, which requires immense upper body strength.

Besides her regular workout routine, Demi also incorporates skateboarding, free climbing, rock climbing, parkour, gymnastics, swimming, dancing, elements of cheerleading, yoga, as well as unique forms of acrobatics, such as acro-yoga. She has also expressed her opinion that flips are a very underrated form of cardio and that people think they only look good. In reality, she found them to be an efficient exercise.

For her fans that don’t have access to equipment, Demi has created a Tire Workout that she follows herself when she needs something simple.

Tire Workout

She can do 5 sets of 10 reps of each exercise and advises everyone to start slow and find a healthy middle as to not overtrain and cause an injury.

  • Step Up Knee Drive – Start with a foot on an elevated surface, and do 10 reps for each leg which counts as 1 set
  • High Knees To Lateral Jumps – 4 steps run in place, then jump into the tire, and repeat that 10 times
  • Alternating Extension Push-Ups – 10 reps each arm (20 in total is 1 set)
  • High Jumps To Burpee – Jump in and out of the tire, then do the burpee outside
  • Incline Mountain Climbers – 10 reps each leg (20 in total)
  • Elevated Foot Taps – Similar to high knees, only now the foot is brought to the elevated surface, with 10 reps per leg

Demi Bagby Favorite Things

  • Social Media Accounts – Any Motivational Quotes, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
  • Cuisine – Mexican
  • Food – Tacos
  • BandsGuns N’ Roses, 5 Seconds of Summer
  • Singers – Alessia Cara, Ariana Grande
  • SongSweet Child O’ Mine by Guns N’ Roses
  • Word – Fearless
  • Quote – “The fearless are not born, they are made.”

Source – Instagram Bio, Instagram, Instagram, Instagram, Instagram

Demi Bagby en octobre 2018

Demi Bagby Facts

  1. When she was 6 years old and aboard a U.S.S ship, her family organized a military tribute to send around 3k care packages to the United States troops serving in Iraq.
  2. On March 13, 2017, Demi challenged Kevin Hart and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson to a pull-up challenge. She also appeared alongside Kevin in a social media post in March 2018.
  3. In June 2019, she was named a finalist in the category of “Health & Wellness” at the 11th annual Shorty Awards.
  4. Demi rarely gets embarrassed and embraces anything that happens to her, no matter how weird it is.
  5. She stated that her lower back injury shaped her into who she became.
  6. One of the fanbase meet-ups she loved the most was completely unplanned. When she visited Canada for the 1st time, a large group of her followers approached asking for a picture with her.
  7. If she could give any advice to her younger self, it would be to be more patient, and sit down, breathe, and think things out before acting.
  8. The type of people she despises the most are thieves.
  9. Demi stated that she’s “a proud American” type of a person.
  10. She collaborated with a fitness model and THENX company CEO, Christian Heria, in October 2017 in a video on her YouTube channel.
  11. Due to popular demand, she has created numerous public Spotify playlists specifically for her fans.
  12. If she could go back and interview anyone, dead or alive, it would be the rock band Guns N’ Roses. Demi would like to see what exactly inspired them to write and perform the song Sweet Child O’ Mine which is her favorite.
  13. She is not the type of person that plans too far ahead. Demi stated that she takes each new day as a chance to experience something new and be better than she was yesterday.
  14. The thing that typically surprises her fanbase when they get to meet her is her height. Most of them assume she’s around 5 ft 2 in or 157.5 cm.
  15. Dans le cadre de la promotion de la marque Black Rifle Coffee , en juillet 2018, elle a eu la chance de tirer une grosse mitrailleuse.
  16. Son samedi idéal consiste à se réveiller tôt, à faire du parachutisme à la plage, à surfer toute la journée, à écouter de la musique et à interagir avec les gens, puis à jouer au spikeball. La nuit, elle faisait du tout-terrain.
  17. Demi a célébré son 18e anniversaire en parachutisme.
  18. Lors d'une vidéo de jeu «Devinez leur âge» le 19 avril 2019, on a appris qu'elle n'était pas la meilleure dans ce domaine. Elle n'a réussi à deviner correctement l'âge de Jake Angeles qu'à 19 ans.

Image présentée par Demi Bagby / Instagram

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